Chong Automation Sdn Bhd
29, Lintang Beringin 6, Diamond Valley Industrial Park, Jalan Permatang Damar Laut, 11960 Penang, Malaysia.

Vision & Mission


In line with our business expansion strategy, the company’s vision is to benchmark services oriented superiority to all others in our chosen market. This is achieved based on the following 3 foundations:
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Timely deliveries
A company philosophy based on continuous improvement and total quality management.

A core and supporting workforce that is trained, motivated and focused on the Company’s goal of solidly establishing a company structure anchored by intelligent decision making, flexibility and a commitment to the shared success of our employees, customers and associates.

Our Mission is to provide continued customer satisfaction by:
  • Maintaining value driven
  • Positive working attitude employees who are focused on the need to provide high quality products and, services that combine performance with value pricing while establishing a successful relationship with our customers and our suppliers.

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